
Responsible authority:

Baden Gastro GmbH
Bruggerstrasse 182 (not the address of the restaurant, find it here)
5400 Baden

The following terms were translated from german to english. Thus, there may occur translation errors. For exact and legally binding terms please read the german version here.

Authorized representatives

Tschümperlin, David, shareholder and chief executive
Tschümperlin, Dutdao, shareholder

Company name: Baden Gastro GmbH
Registration number: CHE-194.480.168
VAT identification number: CHE-194.480.168 MWST


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All offers are subject to change. Parts of the pages or the complete publication including all offers and information might be extended, changed or partly or completely deleted by the author without separate announcement.

Disclaimer for contents and links

References and links to third party websites are outside our area of responsibility. Any responsibility for such websites is declined. The access and use of such websites is at the own risk of the respective user.

Copyright declaration

The copyright and all other rights to the content, images, photos or other files on this website belong exclusively to Baden Gastro GmbH or the specifically named copyright holders. For the reproduction of any elements, the written consent of the copyright holder must be obtained in advance.


Book a Table!

To book a table, simply fill out our reservation form or reach us at +41 56 221 77 21.
For groups of 7 persons or more, we kindly request that you make your reservations through email at

For groups of 7 persons or more, we kindly request that you make your reservations through email at
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